Austin Outdoor Lighting Design

(512) 585-8000

Outdoor Security Lighting in Austin

When properly designed, exterior lighting can provide home and business owners with the ideal lighting to highlight the exterior of the building, enhance the surrounding landscape, and provide ample outdoor security lighting throughout the nighttime.

Properly designed, outdoor security lighting exposes potential intruders and causes them to go elsewhere for their misdeeds. The lighting is a real deterrent and can pay significant dividends.

But how can you do this cheaply and still be effective?

Austin Outdoor Lighting Design Solutions 

For aesthetic outdoor lighting designs and effective security protection, Austin Outdoor Lighting Design will provide low-cost, meaningful strategies that will enhance your property’s security. 

Outdoor security lighting can take several forms, from spotlights to motion-activated lighting, LED-highlighting, and more. Each project will be different, and, of course, the cost will vary depending on the extent of the project.

Austin Outdoor Lighting Design installs low-cost lighting effectively using made-in-the-USA fixtures to illuminate all vulnerable areas around the building. 

The designers will enhance the security around your property while still building greater curb appeal and more. These professionals can often add to the existing electrical circuitry to save money while improving your business property lighting.

What Will Be the Cost to Operate Outdoor Security Lighting?

This question is naturally challenging to answer since it will depend on the extent of the outdoor security lighting design and the number and types of fixtures to be installed.

As a simple comparison in Cedar Park, for example, an outdoor lighting design that uses about 20-30 LED lights from a 300-watt transformer may use about 112 kilowatt hours for about 186 hours (6 hours per day) per month. The cost calculates to about $12 monthly to operate for the average home.

In most instances, businesses may need more lighting for more hours, but the cost will be worth any extra.

Note also that a well-designed outdoor security lighting plan can draw attention to your facility at night, increasing awareness of what you do. 

How This Works with Austin Outdoor Lighting Design

Contacting Austin Outdoor Lighting Design will initiate a free, no-obligation assessment and quote. An expert will assess your property, discuss solutions, create a plan, and provide a no-obligation quote to upgrade your outdoor security lighting plan. 

Homes and businesses will benefit from this outdoor security lighting while also upgrading the beauty and image of your location.

As further proof of the ability of Austin Outdoor Lighting Design’s effectiveness, you can view many of their completed projects by visiting their website Lighting Gallery. The results are stunning.

What Else Does Austin Outdoor Lighting Design Do?

While designing new and creative outdoor security lighting and property enhancement are principal functions for Austin residents, and we also perform upgrades, repairs, and other improvements to existing lighting systems.

And the work is always guaranteed. The company starts each project with a thorough consultation to understand the customer’s goals and the needs of the project. The company’s objective is to make sure the expectations are met each time. 

Contact Austin Outdoor Lighting Design

Starting your project with Austin Outdoor Lighting Design is easy. Complete the easy Free Quote Form on our company’s website. And one of our professionals will contact you promptly. 

We will schedule an in-person, no-obligation consultation at your convenience. The process is easy, and you will achieve your objective.

After a discussion about your objectives and an assessment of your entire property, we will talk about options for outdoor security lighting. From this, we can develop a plan and make a no-obligation proposal.

Or, if you would prefer, you can also reach us by telephone at (512)-585-8000. 

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