Austin Outdoor Lighting Design


The answer will vary, and it may be necessary to look at an old electric bill to determine the electric companies’ rate. Usually the cost of electricity is measured in kilowatt hours. The average national rate is 11.53 cents per kilowatt hour. The cost per hour can vary wildly, check out the department of energy or to find out how much your electricity costs.

To find out the monthly cost it will require a little math. First you need to calculate approximately how long it is running per month. So the average person in the fall would run from dusk to midnight. Here in Texas that is around 6 hours a day so, 6 hour multiplied my 31 days equals 186 hours. We then need to decide how big of transformer we are using, a 300 watt transformer could run roughly 20 – 30 lights and is a good size for an average residence. We will then base our calculations on this size of transformer.

1000 watts = 1 kilowatt

We divide the 300 watts by 1000 to get .6 killowatt hours as our usage

.6 multiplied by 186 gives us 111.6 kilowatt hours for the month.

In Cedar Park, the average kilowatt hour is 11 cents so we multiply 111.6 by 11 and divide by 100

The cost to run an average sized system in Texas is around $12 a month or less.


Lighting Facts & Strategies

With all the choices of bulbs, fixtures, and technology, come the question of what is best for you. One fact to consider is quality. You get what you pay for, so expectations should match. There are many choices in location, style, and effect. The beauty is in the eye Austin’s property owners.

Occasional Events & Entertaining

In most design and installations, the same lighting that provides ambiance for every day, can be adjusted to provide the extra lighting needed for entertainment.

5, 10, or 20 Fixtures

This is a personal preference and reflection of our clients taste. We recommend the number of fixtures that make you proud of your properties appearance at night.

Efficacy of One Fixture

An experienced designer, can create an outcome with less fixtures. If the right landscape lighting fixture is installed in the right place, you may not need as many.

Outdoor Features & Details

The details are critical in all areas of design. Lighting is not different. One fixture focused on the right feature or shrub, can create focus and symmetry.


Well defined shadowing strategies can make the smallest object redefine an outdoor kitchen, garden, or water feature.

Illuminate Your Outdoors with Stunning Landscape Lighting

Enhance your outdoor spaces with our expert landscape lighting design. Whether highlighting your garden, creating safe pathways, or setting the mood for gatherings, we bring your vision to life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
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